How to Start a Blog in India & Make Some Good Side Income

Are you looking to set up a blog in India which can make you some good side income?

Well who doesn’t want some extra cash and blogging is something which you can manage as per your convinience and make some cash out of it.

But how?

The answer lies within this post.

Today, you will learn how to start blogging in India in 2021 and how you can make money from your blog. This post is based on my personal blogging experience and the techniques by which I am making money on my blogs.

But you still might be thinking why Blogging?

Blogging is one of the most attractive career options for independent-minded millennials in India.

Blogging in India is rising rapidly and is finally being considered a mainstream career choice for Indians.

Some youngsters in India are earning handsome income that excels the annual income of executive-level employees.

Notable, isn’t it?

According to KPMG Report, Almost 65 percent of India’s population are millennials, and they have a desire to work in flexible work cultures with straightforward communication with fun at work.

That is why the Indian youngsters are now looking at blogging as a business and not just a career option.

The future in blogging field looks so bright, and hence I recommend being a part of this bandwagon.

So without wasting much of your time let’s jump into the ultimate guide of starting a blog in India with Suresh Chaudhary.

Listen:- This guide will help you in learning set up your blog in India and make money and you don’t need to invest money to hire any web designer or agency for developing your blog. Just follow this guide and start your blog with an ease.

How to Start Blogging in India 2021 – Latest Step by Step Guide

Follow these 10 steps to start a blog in India. Each step is crucial, and you must follow it by heart to set up a blog successfully. All the best!

  1. Choosing a Niche (How to Find Your Niche in Blogging)
  2. Things to consider before concluding a domain name for your blog
  3. Buying a Domain name & Web Hosting
  4. Blogging Platform Selection (Why to Choose WordPress)
  5. WordPress Installation & Set Up at Hosting End.
  6. Customizing Your WordPress Blog
  7. Essential WordPress plugins
  8. How To Write Your First Article
  9. How To Promote Your Blog
  10. How To Monetize your blog

Let’s begin your blogging journey with Suresh Chaudhary. You must take action as recommended.

Creating a simplified content for these 10 steps just for you.

Meanwhile bookmark this page and save yourself from the virus.

FAQs Around The Blogging Journey In India

Concluding Paragraph on How to Start a Blog In India:

So, that’s it from my end on how to start blogging in India in 2021.

Talk to me in the comment section below if you have any queries or concerns regarding setting your blog.

Till then take care, Namaste!

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