SEO Traffic 2023: How Can You Get Website Traffic using SEO?

This is the most common question every business owner in India has when it comes to website organic traffic.

And the famous question is, “How Can I Get SEO Traffic on my Website?

how to get website traffic using seo in 2021

In this post, I will share a quick answer using five steps. If you want to do it on your own, go ahead or you can hire an SEO expert in India to get help with these steps.

5 Simple Steps to Get More SEO Traffic on Your Website by Suresh Chaudhary

  1. Right Keywords Selection for Traffic
  2. Create User-friendly Content
  3. Improve Your Website’s On-Page SEO
  4. Active Blogging for More Traffic
  5. Use Internal Linking

Let’s get into the details of each step on how you can do it on your own.

1. Right Keywords Selection

Choosing the right SEO business keywords is the first important step to driving more traffic to your website.

You know your business well and your customers too. Think about what are they going to search for and create a sample list of such queries for your reference.

Now do keyword research for that list using keyword research tools.

You can use:

or any other keyword tools that help you with search volume and competition data points.

There are 100s of keyword research tools available out there, Free and Paid options available.

Do not create a new piece of content without keyword research if you want SEO traffic specifically.

By doing keyword research you can find specific keywords that your target audience is searching for related to your business to which they want the information.

For example, my website is about digital marketing and SEO. And this post helps the users with the question, “How Can I Get SEO Traffic?

I hope you understood the first step, If not you can share your query using the comment box below.

2. Create User-friendly Content

The second step is to create high-quality user-friendly content that meets the user’s intent.

In simple words, create content that helps your audience. It can be a blog post, product page or service you offer. Make sure the content you are placing there should be user query-specific.

There are different types of categories for search queries that appear on search engines. Get an idea about the same with the below content.

a) Informational Queries: When someone is looking for information about a particular topic, they use informational queries. For example, If you want more information about Suresh Chaudhary and his services, you will search Suresh Chaudhary SEO, or Suresh Chaudhary Digital Marketing to get more information about my services.

b) Conversational Queries: When someone is looking for a quick answer to a particular question they use conversation queries. For example, if you want to know who the best SEO consultant in Mumbai is, you will search the best SEO consultant in Mumbai and get the answer.

c) Commercial Queries: When someone is thinking of buying a product or service, they use commercial queries. For example, if you are looking for Search Engine Optimization services in India, you will search SEO services in India and choose the partner who meets your requirement.

d) Navigational Queries: When someone wants to learn more about a specific website or a specific brand, they simply search with a navigational query. For example, if you want to learn more about LinkedIn, the search query you use is “Linkedin” because you want to access the LinkedIn website to log in to your account or sign up.

Knowing about these keywords type helps you create content that your users are looking for with the best search interest.

So make sure you create content that is user-friendly and solves the problem user has on your website page.

3. Improve Your Website’s On-Page SEO

Once you do the keyword research and create content that meets the search intent of your users, the third step in getting SEO traffic is improving your website’s on-page SEO.

Without on-page SEO, ranking the content on the top pages of Google India is difficult for your target keywords.

Even user-friendly content will not get visibility in search engines without on-page optimization.

You have to optimize on-page SEO factors like:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Page URL
  • Header Tags
  • Body Content Optimization
  • HTML tags with content
  • Media Optimization
  • Internal Links
  • Navigation Menu
  • and more

4. Active Blogging for More Traffic

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to generate SEO traffic from search engines.

Make sure you have a blog section on your website.

A blog allows you to write about everything related to your business, which creates more organic SEO traffic from Google.

So keep this important step in mind whenever you think of SEO traffic. If you don’t have a blog section on your website then start a blog now!

5. Use Internal Linking

Internal link building is my favourite. It is an important part of the on-page SEO process and it must be done on the page where you want SEO traffic.

A proper internal linking strategy can skyrocket your search engine rankings for the target keywords because it boosts the topical authority for the content as well as the internal links.

You can start internal link building today for your existing pages. Look out for the opportunity where you can link to the content on your website.

For example, In this post, I have used 3-4 internal links that after reading this you can notice 😛

Conclusion for SEO Traffic

I hope you enjoyed this post on what is SEO traffic and how you can get more SEO traffic on your website.

Relevant traffic for your website is very important to grow your business and SEO offers free relevant traffic with quality efforts.

SEO gives relevant traffic to your website, and you get targeted leads and sales.

Start using the top strategies for more traffic using SEO. Start with selecting the right keywords, creating user-friendly content, improving on-page SEO, active blogging, and last but not least internal link building.

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